Tuesday 1 March 2011


Fancy making this?  Join in the fun at TANTALISING TECHNIQUES click HERE  join by 15th March 2011 & get SILKEN TALES FREE, yep 7 techniques for the price of 6
Requirements list, list of suppliers & our very own YAHOO FORUM are now all open
Grand announcement - I am well - yep face ache all gone - I have so much more energy it is amazing how much edge is taken off of life when suffering pain.  My heart goes out to those who suffer constantly.  If you know someone, give them a call, drop them a card, make them something, give them a hug.  I have had 8 months of this, some people suffer for years, heres a big H U G from me, cant take the pain away but might make you smile
Here is the cardboard cat who is very happy in her comfy box.  Today I talked my poor DH into buying her some treats that I saw advertised on the TV.  He went shopping whilst I was working and we both arrived home about the same time.  I grabbed the treats & still in work coat & dirty gloves (Ruth knows dont you?) dashed into the garden, I gave her some & showed her the bag & would you believe it..in went her paw and hooked a couple out!!!! I was astounded! - remember I have never had a cat in my life, I just fell in love with Charlotte, our very own smelly cat!.  I could not stop laughing as she did it again & again - whoops I was only meant to give her a few, they must be salty as she lapped up a whole saucer of milk! Yep I know; dont give her milk, but she loves it & she lives in a cardboard box, so she can have anything in my book.  I wish she would live in our house or my neighbours house (who is her owner, but she has divorced him...lol...he never sees her now, she loves my husband & I am blackmailing her to love me)
I have been busy designing for the SMASHEES - this month is PHOENIX, which for some silly reason I keep spelling phoneix.  Good name for a mobile company!
I am also enjoying the techniques for TANTALISING TECHNIQUES, which by the way has a blog HERE that is another funny spelling, I could not have it with a Z instead of an S, so sticking with my inital S, I slipped that in.  Smashees is also one that I get muddled up.  Memo to me, the next set of workshops call AAAAAA ha! sorry to be so silly but it is 8pm & I am still awake, so better slope off and do some stitching - Silken tales hmmmmmm are you tantalised yet?
Night all x

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