Sunday, 1 January 2012


Hi, hope that you had a lovely Christmas time wherever you are or whatever you did or didnt do!
I enjoyed seeing my family, but am only just starting to recover from the dreaded germ that is laying low alot of people here.  Two weeks now, driving me potty.
I have today been stitching, at last.  I have a new set of classed locally in Patchwork & before the germ designed a quilt to teach.  Sometimes it is difficult to teach standalone courses, I much prefer to be able to extend techniques over more than one lesson.  However, I am hopeful that the new quilt will be interesting for my students.  Have not taken any photos as I have a huge amount on my card to upload from the work of our local Embroiderers Guild.  Must get on with that.
I am not making promises to myself or anyone else for the new year, as it really is a bit silly to put myself under a cosh.  I am way behind with workshop planning, but it will all get itself sorted out, all I can do is try my best when I feel okay.
Back soon, maybe with normal service lol, thanks for reading x

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