Thursday, 22 December 2011

Wasted week

Thank you so much for your good wishes. This picture looks good doesnt it? Well its the flu virus that I have been suffering, how could anything so beautiful cause such misery?  Fortunately I had the flu jab or I think it would have been much much worse.
Today I have managed to
1  Get dressed
2  Wrap up a few pressies
3  Eat a small amount of fish and chips (what a treat & a break from soup)
4  Not be sick (yukky Shelagh)
5  Stay awake
Sounding a bit like the 12 days of misery instead of Christmas
My totally fab husband Dave has had to put up with tears, moaning, croaking, dragging me out of a tight spot and doing ALL the Christmas shopping alone.  I am just so grateful, the fridge and freezer is full
We have no crackers (have to use the fabric ones with nothing inside, that would be different)
No stuffing (could make my own I suppose)
Lots of Beer (why? we hardly drink)
2 large pieces of beef instead of one, neither of which matches each other (hummm)
Still its done thats it and I am more than grateful for what I have.  Thinking of lonely and homeless people sobers the mind and the spirit.
I shall see my children we shall toast those we love who are no longer in our sight but always in our hearts
We shall celebrate the birth of our Lord and be grateful for our lot.  We shall TRY not to moan and we shall look forward to next year to our daughters wedding to a lovely man and to the London 2012 Olympics (even though we dont have tickets to anything)
I hope that you too will have something to feel grateful for this Christmas
Lastly I want to thank you for following my ramblings, for joining my courses, for your comments.  It is so strange still to sit in my dining room, covered in a quilt & talk to unknown people throughout the world.  My goodness it still amazes (in the true sense of the word) me.
I shall not post again before Christmas Day, therefore I wish you health, wealth & happiness.  God bless you whatever your faith
Love Shelagh x


  1. I agree, the flu bug is very photogenic but having said that, the blighter should just ~iss off and inhabit anothers body!Sorry youve been felled gal.
    Lets wish better health all round for 2012!

  2. hi...... have a great day ... forget about everything and just think of family and look after yourself ... see you in the new year .....
    Cheers Carol


Thank you for your comment, regards Shelagh



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