Sunday, 26 February 2012


Yesterdays post was a huge rant at disorganisation, so today am going to be sweetness and light !!! :-]
Some times in photography you capture the moment perfectly, look at this heron in flight (scared by me creeping up on it)  This is the lake at Bletchley park.
I most definately will be using this in stitch, the 3D quality is fabulous, I am so glad that I took my DSLR camera and did not just take my phone, shame it was not on RAW format but the detail is fabulous anyway

Its sunny again in England, hooray, hope you enjoy your Sunday, thanks for reading x

1 comment:

  1. Great flight photo!
    Thanks for your comment on my blog - have entered you in my draw.


Thank you for your comment, regards Shelagh



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