Saturday, 4 February 2012


Here in the UK we are waiting for the blizzard to start.  At the moment its minus something, but bright and sunny

The cardboard cat even came in and sat for an hour under the radiator, mind you we had to sit on the cold stone floor to keep her company.  We are now calling her the okey cokey cat, put a paw in and a paw out, you know how it goes.  Also one step forward and one step back with trying to get her to live with us.

The 'guy' who still owns her, has sealed up the cat flap and bought 2 more cats which he keeps in, suppose he doesnt want the cat nappers (us) to steal them away
She still really loves my husband, no matter what I do, he is her hero (well and mine as well, but not telling him that lol)

This week has seen an ECG, a change of tablets, blood test, more tablets, a visit from my daughter to show off her enormous diamond of which I am not only jealous, envious and all those evils, my poor little chip ran away and hid.  Its a droplet shape but a bit wider and so clear, I could not stop looking at it.  It was made by a guy in Scotland and so beautiful, his ring was also stunning, being 2 metals and asymmetric with a fine black insert.  I have a picture but its on my phone and the puter /phone lead is in hiding with my diamond

(not this one, wrong shape and hers was much clearer, but gives you the idea - wow)
Yesterday saw almost a days stitching.  Evolon, felt, paper and eyelets, boy they are boring to stitch even with the flower stitcher, fun to play about with thread colours.  Still dont have the usual energy, guess Ill find out soon what is up, but so lovely to actually stitch for a few hours.

(bit of naive applique, dont show my patchwork stitching much, hmm dont really know why, guess I just forget to photograph it - shall try & remember)
MY new fortnightly Machine patchwork & quilting class could do with a couple more students - any of you locally fancy it - drop me an email and I will explain it

(sorry blurry)
Finally, whilst scoffing toast, watching England in the test match (oh dear) a reminder of the NEW DESIGN TO STITCH course - details under the PAGES tab
I am also offering Tantalising Techniques & The Smashees again

ALL the workshops are PDF only - it seems that not many students want to post pictures on a blog or in a Yahoo group, so I have stopped doing this and have PROVIDED a dedicated EMAIL address.  If any queries come in and I think all should know then I will send the reply to the group.

Do you think that is a good idea?  Or do you prefer the blog / yahoo option? Or can anyone suggest a different idea?

I do not provide videos.  Unless I could get them done professionally I really dont like shaky out of focus, strange accents, low sound, dark & sometimes just downright boring and slow videos.
I provide a step by step process with many photographs.  These workshops are your to keep forever, they are downloadable with no time constraints & fully printable, all I ask is that my copyright is protected and also your investment, in not sharing.

If you want to join but dont want to pay for the full amount, I MAY be able to sort something out for you
Requirements arrive on the 14th February, after all the SPECIAL OFFERS finish
Do make sure that you join before then especially the NEW DESIGN TO STITCH course which is offering a huge discount plus another huge discount for previous members of my workshop or my creative challengers group
See you there, thanks for reading x

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