Sunday 30 September 2012


Following on from 3rd September post.  Please revisit

There are more comments & information

I feel very passionate about all of this
Here are the results of 'scumping' it also included, one pear, one cooking apple and 6 eating apples and a few blackberries that didnt make it home as I just could not resist.  All of these make a lovely pie.
The onion paper is very interesting, along with a fabulous broken branch that really appealed, silly way to lay the conker out it looks like the leaf has eyes.  The feather has beautiful markings
See what you can scrump around your favourite walk, only things that should be taken, nothing endangered


  1. We managed to find enough blackberries to make one pot of jam, very few berries around and found just three conkers.A lovely walk though and Kasia enjoyed the freedom of a disuesed railway track.

  2. Lots and lots of blackberries along my secret lane, but I forgot a bag and only could get a handful, what a shame, so glad she enjoyed it, it must have been more fun hunting than having oodles around x


Thank you for your comment, regards Shelagh



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